During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, amusement parks were popular destinations, especially for the working class, who sought a...
Years ago while conducting research for the Lemelson Center’s Invention at Play exhibition, I was surprised to learn that Lincoln Logs—one of my...
In Spark!Lab, we’re believers in the power of play to unlock innovation. While the old adage that “necessity is the mother of invention” may hold true...
How do you allow hundreds of museum visitors to create their own Muppet-like creatures? Better yet, how do you do that without glue—and in such a way...
The built environment that surrounds us is a serious matter, especially to Elaine Ostroff (1933–). An educator, advocate, problem solver, and...
One of the best aspects of my job is meeting inventors from myriad fields who always have inspiring stories to share about their lives and inventive...
PLAY MATTERS!What do the inventors behind Post-it Notes, Kevlar, Velcro, and the microwave oven have in common with children? Play! Play is a human...
What Did You Play With?The idea that play can shape the way a child thinks and learns is common in American history. In 17th and 18th century colonial...
From the Lemelson Center's "Invention at Play" exhibition. Video produced by Hillmann & Carr Inc., Washington, D.C., with additional footage from the...
From the Lemelson Center's "Invention at Play" exhibition. Video produced by Hillmann & Carr Inc., Washington, D.C., with additional footage from the...
From the Lemelson Center's "Invention at Play" exhibition. Video produced by Hillmann & Carr Inc., Washington, D.C., with additional footage from the...
From the Lemelson Center's "Invention at Play" exhibition. Video produced by Hillmann & Carr Inc., Washington, D.C., with additional footage from the...